I know Mrs Daniela Stoyanova since 1996. She was among my daughter’s Iana first teachers from 1996 to 2000 in school No. 133 “ A.S.Pushkin” in Sofia, Bulgaira. She taught her and her class mates Bulgarian language (reading, writing) and Bulgarian history. Mrs. Stoyanova was a very enthusiastic teacher trying to make her students love going to school. And she completely succeeded in doing so! She was demanding, but also – very loving and generous when encouraging the children in their school performance.
Mrs Stoyanova was teaching not only during classes, but also during the numerous “out of school” additional activities she used to organize. The children liked to go together with her to the cinema very much. She took them to see animated movies and after that they had discussions on what was seen. The children liked to go to the park with her as well as to the winter schools of skiing she organized every year. Mrs. Stoyanova took her pupils to the most exiting short trips around the country they ever had. During all these activities she was absolutely responsible for the children’s safety and health: so, I had never been afraid letting my daughter participate in them.
Mrs. Stoyanova was loved by the kids and at the same time they had greatest respect for her. She was also respected by all the parents since she was not only accurate and demanding, but also kind, warm and dedicated to her profession and to the children. When my daughter graduated the IV-th year of her education and had to part with her first teacher, she was really upset and cried secretly after the graduation ceremony. Even though she was only 10 years old at that time, she had realized that Mrs. Stoyanova was an exceptional teacher and personality. Iana asked me to try to keep in touch with her beloved teacher (“if she does not mind”). And they both kept contacts for many tears after that, in fact until Mrs. Stoyanova had to move to the UK and settle there.
During all these years I have also had my personal contacts with Mrs. Stoyanova and also with the members of her family. Even now we hear each other frequently and meet whenever possible during her vacations and visits back to Bulgaria. The meetings with such and exciting and optimistic person have always been a pleasure for me.
Г-жа Стоянова (Петкова) ми преподаваше в зората на училищните ми години. Тогава, както и сега, тя ми остава любимия ми преподавател. Винаги се е отнасяла с голяма грижа и любов към учениците си и ни е помагала, когато сме имали нужда. Гледаше на нас по-скоро като на собствени деца, отколкото на ученици. Може би поради тази причина, 12 години по-късно, тая все такива топли чувства към нея и често я споменавам, щом стане въпрос за добри учители от миналото ни. Никога няма да забравя как ни прегръщаше преди контролни, за да ни даде нужната енергия да се справим!
Росица Гоневска
Бивш ученик, Козенца, Италия - фотограф на свободна пркатика
Познавам г-жа Даниела Петкова като мой педагог от първия учебен ден на началното ми образование през 1985 г.
Познавам я като спокоен и същевременно активен педагог. С лекота възприемах преподавания материал, защото биваше поднесен с внимание, с увлекателни примери, но същевременно с прецизност и взискателност, която от тези първи години ме накара да възприема училището и образованието си като нещо важно, като неизменна част от моето развитие. Аз бях енергично (и дори немирно) дете и вниманието, което г-жа Петкова обръщаше на мен, а и на класа ни като едно цяло от различни индивидуалности, сега разбирам, е било от изключително значение. Ние, първия й випуск, сме щастливи да я познаваме не само в класната стая, но и извън нея, където напътствията на загрижения педагогпродължаваха да ни помагат не само да разберем уроците си, но и да вникнем в частица от сложния и реален свят, в които живеем. Нейната благост и усмивката й винаги са ни карали да възприемаме г-жа Петкова не само като авторитет, но и като близък приятел, от когото можем да потърсим добър съвет.
Дори и сега аз, а и много от моите съученици, продължаваме да поддържаме контакт с г-жа Петкова. Добрите учители е трудно да бъдат забравени. За мен обучението винаги е било удоволствие с г-жа Даниела Петкова.
“Drugarkata Petkova”, as we used to call her at the time, was my primary school teacher during the late communist age. I still remember her beautiful white lace dress on our first school day leading our whole class to the opening ceremony. She was like a fairy, taking care of and loving us all! Young, energetic, creative and devoted! She was teaching us not only how to read and write but how to be friends and how to be responsible. With her attitude, appearance and teaching methods she made me love and respect knowledge, learning and the school as an institution. -
Ms. Daniela was my first and best teacher ever! I do remember my first school day when we all were scared and nervous about the new things ahead of us. But then we saw our teacher – smiling, kind and supportive and we knew that it wouldn’t be so difficult. Ms Daniela taught us to write and read, to do sums in very clear and understandable way and we enjoyed her visuals, games and interesting stories.